Source Code

car hoe.

one who pretends to be interested in the same topics as everyone else just to be included in a group

no example cause i'm lazy

by booger December 2, 2003

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Electric Car Bomb

Finals Study drink: when one takes a bottle of vault and puts it in a mug, then drops in a shot glass full of 5 hour energy and chugs.

Person 1: Fack! I have 7 finals tomorrow and NOBODY has any adderall left!

Person 2: easy chief! try an Electric Car Bomb. that shit will stop your heart!

by SunDevil414 December 8, 2009

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California Car-bomb

A non-alcoholic drink composed of the following:

4 Parts Arnold Palmer Tea
1 Part Organic Honey infused with Hashwax

Dude A: What did you say this was
Dude 2: It's a California Car-Bomb!

30 minutes later:

Dude A: I think i just defecated myself.
Dude 2: Most unparliamentary behavior Rutherford.

by A CALiFUCKiNFORNiAN April 11, 2011

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Kenyan Car wash

When a man squats over a woman or a goat and has massive explosive diarrhea on her face. he then proceeds to use his cock to hose off her face.

" bob you want to come over to my house and give my goat a kenyan car wash"

"Sure, does your mom want one too"

" of course!"

by bob the builder199191 August 21, 2009

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Car boot sale

When someone crashes their car, usually involves rolling it, and all the contents fly out of the now broken windows, usually leaving a trail of destruction and obsolete car parts.

Man 1 pointing down a hill "Dude, check that car boot sale out! Bet that hurt!!"

Man 2 "And I bet I know exactly how much all that is going to cost me ... free! Grab a bin bag!"

Man 1 "Awesome! Check it out, a slightly scratched copy of limp bizkit's greatest hits! Win!! Oh, and an arm..."

by Smeggles182 June 9, 2010

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Detroit car battery

Wiring your ball sack up to a scalextric track.

"Who wants to give me a Detroit car battery, I'll let you go first ahhhhhh"

by yessahh July 25, 2008

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When a rapist waits in a car parked in a dark parking lot. So when the driver enters the car they gets a raped.

My dome light is dead. I need to get that fixed, cause I'm always afraid of getting car-raped after work.

by rTHEb February 17, 2010

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