The act of anal sex that is excessively messy
Ted went mud Spilunking with Jen after taco Tuesday.
The act of of forcing a woman who is riding you, To take a dump on your bellybutton and stomp on it with her ass cheek until it looks like a pancake
last night i made laura give me a mud pancake, it was awesome!
forcing a woman who is riding you, to take a dump in your belly button and stomp it with her ass cheek until it forms a pancake
i made laura give me a mud pancake, it was amazing!
The act of inserting a clear plastic tube in the anus, and inserting the other end of the tube in the anus of a "trusted" partner and shitting back and forth into each others asshole.
Earl and Jim-Bob got drunk and built a Texas Mud Bridge the other night.
Is when you stick a midget in the back of your path and take a diarrhea shit on them.
"Hey Fed got another one he going to mud pouch on."
Typically a mine worker or someone that has worked FNQ and always tells you about it. Someone that drive a capped out gu and loves telling everyone about how much he’s spent on it. Someone that message girls unannounced on after a few cans “hey u up”
Hangs a around girls at the pub like a fly
See that bloke over there hassling the poor girl wearing a work shirt trucker cap and surfer joes he a mud fly
A bloke who works in mines or FNC typically a plumber by trade. Will fuck anything that has a Pulse. Will tell you every time he gets a day off and will also tell you how much he’s spent on his shitty GU coil cab. Often will message girls “hey u up” unannounced
See that bloke over there in a work shirt trucker cap and surfer joes he a mud fly