Smokes are cancer sticks a.k.a cigarettes and they make you feel good and at the same time kill you.
Jim: smokes lets go
Kyle: I ain’t got none
Jim: I know you have some
Kyle: fine here, now screw offf!
Jim: light lets go
Kyle:screw off jim, bye.
Ammunition, people backing someone up, supporters, fans on Tik tok
I just logged on, I don’t have no smoke. I gotta wait till more people log on.
-You want to battle?
-You have way more viewers online watching you thank on my team. I don’t have that much smoke. You are probably going to win.
Commonly Used Term Referring To Cannabis.
Hey Man You Interested In Buying Some Smoke?
A shootout or the using of a gun between opponents.
Said you want smoke come get it.