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prime phones

a channel created in September 2013, but started uploading in November 2020.

prime phones.

by prime phones April 16, 2023

cell phone flipper

Person who does not answer their phone when you call, but promptly calls as you are leaving them a voice mail. A cell phone flipper is also known as flipper or you've been flipped.

She is such a cell phone flipper. Every time I call, she flips me and I have to call her back.

by Polka B February 23, 2008

1👍 2👎

phone pas

A phone pas is similar to a "faux pas", except that it is committed with a phone, instead of the face-to-face social variety. Usually, a phone pas is something like talking on yr cell in a movie theatre, or leaving it on in spite of clear signs to turn it off, or checking messages or texting constantly while on a date esp. while at a table in a restaurant.

I like Suzy alot, but she committed at least 3 phone pas, and that was inbetween the appetizer and the main course!

by ashandwit July 2, 2011

Phone Caroling

The act of people calling their friends around Christmas time and singing holiday songs to each other.

Hey Im gonna call you later with a bunch of other people- were going phone caroling.

by chamberofsecretshasbeenopened December 23, 2010

hellular phone

a really shitty phone.

I just bought a fucking hellular phone

by Torin Vlietstra January 16, 2008

cookie phoned

Too many dabs leading to use of chocolate chip cookie as a telephone.

"You tryna get cookie phoned tonight?"

by Whitna$tymcwhitecheddah May 3, 2016

active phone sniping

when someone looks over your shoulder at your text messages or phone content and comments on what they have read on your phone.

happens most when lying in bed with someone, or in the car.

Harry: why are you talking to that guy still?

Amanda: why are you active phone sniping right now? im not your girlfriend, this isn't your business!

by misterstanwood August 21, 2011