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sport pig

a girl or group of girls that only go to the bar and pretend they are into sports when they are really looking for men or just a reason to get drunk

"Damn I hate going out to watch a game cause there's always a group of sport pigs out screaming at the tv at the wrong times!"

by lynched January 23, 2010

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Sticker Pig

A fat chick who your Pig Sticker Buddy has taken off your hands so you can go after her good looking girlfriend.

OK, you go after the Sticker Pig so I can have a shot at her hot friend and I'll buy you Pizza and Beer for a week.

by The Sticker Pig May 17, 2009

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pig hunter

A man who prefers to get laid with fat/obese chicks.

John got laid with a BBW last night, I think he's a pig hunter.

by BBW Love April 9, 2014

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Wussy Pig

A Pig Cross Bred With A Boar. Thus It Developed The Name Wussy Pig. Sometimes If Threatened The Wussy Pig Throws It's Dung At It's Enemies.

I Think I Saw A Wussy Pig Defecating On My Lawn.

by Wussy Pig August 7, 2008

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Guinea Pig

idiots by nature, guinea pigs will eat your bell peppers and possibly your Aunt Sharon.

Bro 1: My dog is so cute! she snuggles and even gives people kisses sometimes!
Bro 2, after being pissed on three times : yupppp sounds great
Immediately gets pissed on again by guinea pig

by Kermit_ May 7, 2020

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Hed Pig

1: A leader pig or a person who loves to recieve hed or taking heds off of other people.

2: A nirkwad who sends a picture of his dick to every girl he meets on xbox live.

3: A dick who calls every nigger he meets on xbox a niggerfaggot.

4: An asshole who says dick in every sentence.

5:A person who worships meth pig and slut pig.

john: You see that dick over there getting hed ?

niggerfaggot: yay yay yurrrr john i caught him getting hed from my sister last night.

john: what a hed pig.

niggerfaggot: yeah he called me a niggerfaggot on xbox live.

by bbyxrpnxhedxpig July 21, 2009

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wheeler pig

A wheelchair bound person who is also mentally retarded and shows symptoms of spastic cerebral palsy. They dribble a lot.

"oh look it's a wheeler pig field day!"

by unknown pleasures March 22, 2007

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