When you cover your ass in guacamole, and your partner has to eat it all with only one bag of chips before it turns brown.
Damn, I really got ass chipped last night, thank God she finished all of it before the rash came back! That was the best ass chipping I've ever had!
A sex position that has to be done properly or death may be close by.
You will need to choose a certain type of food then rub one another with the chosen food gently (chocolate for example). Then fill ones ass with the food. You may use any objects to help put the food in the ass. You can choose rather or not to eat and lick the good off of your spouse. Lay one on back and then use your fuckin imagination!!!
Aye babe lemme get that ass tray . Ass ass ass trayyyy!
An Ass-tray is an Avoidable Shit Show That Requires Action Yesterday. Sometimes the words Emergency and Urgent don't quite fit right for things that are urgent to fix now but that we won't see the results of for decades. Ass-tray fits perfectly.
AKA: A tray of ass.
Dude, climate change is such an Ass-tray. Why didn't they just fix it when they found out, rather than pretending it isn't happening?
Jack, these boomers are handing our ass to us on a tray, we need to get them voted out.
my asshole hurts, maybe its a symptom of ass disease!
An Alternian slur often used by goldbloods.
2orry ii hadnt pegged you a2 a honky a22 liicker but ii 2hould have known better.
(urbandictionary is being dumb, it requires me to use the phrase honky ass licker in here)
3 girls set out to play a dm blind date game show & get inside the mind of their contestants & drive them crazy
Trifling ass roomies really played me