Known to many for being a nonce. Mr Tuckers are known for having large foreheads which are used for storing the names of many wives.
They are adaptable when it comes to hunting their prey and have been known to use social media as well as in person confrontations!
Daddy Adam Tucker touched me
I’m unhappy in my marriage Mr Tucker
She is a goth that want to DIE. Has a Netflix episodes
Stacy: I just watched Wednesday Adams
Carl: That's sick
Adam Payne is a bit of a pain as the name suggests🙈🙈 Adam P is someone you can rely on always, they’ll give you the best hugs & advice, plus they’ll always tell you when to close that door hehehe. Adam P hair is always so stylish and is basically Gok Wans Gok Wan Xoxogossipgirl
Oh who’s that’s guy in the gym?
That busty sexy tanned big pecked god, oh that’s just Adam Payne!
Haram, forbidden or proscribed by Islamic law.
You can be so Adam Iskandar sometimes. Take it slow dude.
An Adam's Apple, as defined by the bible was originally formed from a person named "Adam" from Adam And Eve bit into an apple where he eventually choked onto the apple and there remained the piece of the apple to this current day
Now when it forms, it doesnt form from birth, it doesnt appear on the male body until the individual hits puberty
Adam bit into an apple but began choking on it and there remained the piece he bit on, stuck in his throat thus creating the Adam's Apple
like a dirty sanchez but you get a FULL beard.
your partner shits in thier hands and then rubs it all over your lower half of face and neck so you end up looking like grisly adams from the 70's tv show.