Its a movement trick in krunker which is done using any weapon with knockback by shooting the wall in the opposite direction you are moving to gain a boost off the wall.
Shotgun mains are more respectable when they use wall-boosting.
To ruin one's plans; to sabotage something; to interfere with one's action or goal.
Damnit Brian! You Trump walled my focus on this assignment!
Brian: "Did you get the math assignment done?"
Mike: "No, I got Trump walled by question five."
To ruin one's plans; to sabotage something; to interfere with one's action or goal.
Damnit Brian! You Trump walled my focus on this assignment!
when you write on some ones facebook wall and they reply while your still on facebook so you reply back and forth until there is nothing left to say
i couldnt get off facebook last night i kept getting wall taged
Randomly being knocked in the head by a wall sconce while having sex.
-OMG... How did you get that wicked huge bump on your head?
-I got wall sconced this morning right as I was about to cum!
When you're performing oral sex or having sex and the female is a such ecstasy she's swimming backwards of the wall
I was teaching my girl how to wall swim
A gang that lurks near walls that yells at anybody passing by until someone confronts them.
“Geez those wall hobos were so offensive.