Bar/restaurant industry euphemism for doing drugs in a walk-in fridge. Specifically but not always: cocaine in the beer keg room.
Another hour until closing, I'm gonna go check the kegs. You may need to double-check after me.
When one either passes gas and is not sure if it was a shart, or they might not have wiped good enough earlier after pooping, takes toilet paper and dry wipes their butt.
Phil was so sweaty and didn’t know if he wiped good enough earlier, so I told him to check your dipstick.
(phrase) To look at the left hand of a person of interest or a person seemingly interested in you to assess if a wedding/engagement ring is present for information gathering. Hopefully this information will influence a person's decision, but in the situation it doesn't at least one has an idea what they are getting into.
A, "Dude she's super hot, why don't you go for it?"
B, "Bro, check the left, that rock is huge."
A, "So, she totally wants to take you home!!!"
B, "Tonight I think I'm gonna do the right thing and say no."
B, "btw, I've been down that road and it blows goat nuts."
In the US, an employer is required to pay an employee for ones's time on the job, and may only be withheld up to 30 days. To some, this means signing onto a job, working for a limited amount of time, demanding for their paycheck, and leaving.
This reflects an incompetent hiring process and lowers morale.
In some cases, they will call and/or come in, asking if they can/will receive their paycheck on payday.
A Wonder Check is called such because it leads others to wonder how they earned it in the first place, and wonder why they left at all.
"A Janice called, and left her name and number."
"What did she need?"
"She asked if she could grab her paycheck Friday, but I don't ever remember seeing her here before."
"Oh yeah, she worked here for a day and never came back."
"I see, she just wanted her Wonder Check. Glad she stopped me from doing my job to ask about her nickels and pennies."
For fucking idiots who spell left cheek wrong
Person1: oh my gawd that’s a thicc left check
Person2: don’t you mean cheek you fucking weeb
Person1: *cries*
Ferrari's response to their drivers asking questions was due to the unclear instructions given by the strategists.
Charles Leclerc: *asks a crucial question that will matter in the championship*
The strategists: Copy We Are Checking