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The greatest jungler in gold. Multi clash winner and clash worlds 2020 winner. Often known for ganking bot.

“Hey we need a jungler for clash this weekend. Can you play? “

“Sure, I can Nick in”

by Faker2 July 15, 2021


Nicks hair looks like a mushroom and once he found a friend he just can’t leave them alone and is obsessed with that person until he/she gets fed up

Hey have you seen nick?
Yes he’s still following me

by Idk12345678909887654321 December 29, 2022


The gayest most queer- like person you will ever meet. Grabs the bum cheeks of many men on a daily basis. Makes homo comments and probably have intercourse with homeless men.

Guys we’ve gotta run! Nicks coming!

by PackinAlpaca February 15, 2020


faggots that don’t know what they want
will often waste their s/o time by being shitty all around

That Nick guy is such a weirdo. Fuckin faggot.

by gggayyy2k19 January 11, 2019


Haha, you were expecting some definition of the name Nick which you were hoping would stroke your ego like one would calmly stroke the fur of a cat; I'm sorry to say, but as a Nick myself I have to end this endless cycle of ego boosting.

If your name is Nick, you are sadly doomed to a pathetic life with no meaning whatsoever. Mistakes will always be made, and it gets so bad that everyone including yourself will laugh at you. Have fun being lonely fellow Nick.

Person: Man, you're such a Nick.
Nick: oof

by Shenaniganguy October 25, 2018


That one boy every new kid falls for. Usually Hella rude. But if you get to know him he’s super trustworthy. You can go to him for problems. (I know from experience) when you really need help he’ll be there. He gives the greatest advice.

Hey, you needa Nick talk😂

by AlYviA WiSdOm🥺🦋❤️‼️ January 28, 2020


large macdonald sprite

nick is large macdonald sprite

by youtuberlover3 November 24, 2021