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shower truce

Rough, Dominating, Intimate sex in the shower

I got in the shower with my friend, then left with a shower truce.

by XxthedickinyourassxX December 19, 2015

Shower Grega V.2.

When shower grega gets sexier!

Oh my god it is Shower Grega V.2.

by shmoopersdoopers December 6, 2016

jack shower

When you jack off in the shower

I think he's taking a jack shower he's been in there for a while

by #4Choclvr September 16, 2017

Hot shower

A shower, but with Venix inside.

I had a hot shower today

by /id/kontrolle June 24, 2017

Shower whore

Jocelyn Vasquez a girl who likes to shower with ppl and let them record her naked and then calls the cops bc she “did not know about them recoding”she a whore And ask ppl if she can peep in there mouth

Hey don’t be a shower whore

by YOURBFF123123 April 23, 2018

Sunflower shower

When you take a shower but instead of water that comes out of the shower head it’s bright yellow piss

Ummm just to let you know I don’t have a normal shower, I have a sunflower shower

by 420XxbunningsnagxX69 September 1, 2020

I didn't come down in the last shower

Australian slang, meaning I'm wise to your game, or don't play me for a fool. This is a slang term not heard often in the regional centres, but reasonably common among the old blokes in smaller townships.

Davo(upon hearing something incredulous): carn mate, I didn't come down in the last shower!

by kingofspin March 12, 2020

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