This day is disgusting and is just a excuse to sexually assault people!
Asshole 1:It’s national grab ass day
Me:There is no such thing as national grab ass day and if you think it is real, I have 0 respect for you
it's national grab ass day. damn that ass look fat in the jeans, lemme smack it.
On September 9-10, every year, it is National Grab-Ass Day.
Male or female, taken or single, prepare to have your ass grabbed.
"Why did you grab my ass?!"
"It's National Grab Ass Day."
For all the guys oput there.
We just want a bit of ass.
Damn its National grab ass day lets go!
On February 17th guy or girl single or taken you can get your ass grabbed
“I’m thinking about grabbing Nina’s ass today since it’s National Grab Ass Day
On this day you are obligated to grab someones ass and if you don’t you are a failure
Stacey got mad because I grabbed her ass, but I explained to her it was National Grab Ass Day.
Best way to catch a case or get suspended
Yo is national grab ass day, you know what im doing first period
Bro, youre a retard, i gurantee jailtime