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Katana is amazing

Katana is an amazing girl who loves her cat she has amazing luck

Katana is amazing is amazing

by Katana is amazing October 20, 2019

The amazing monster

A wonderful girl who lives in philippines. She works hard on her videos on youtube. The most liked episode is i am marry to a yakuza boss (Imtayb)

Krew fan: who is she?

Y/n: Oh shes TAM/Kat the amazing monster.

by Vendiee October 13, 2021

Amazing band

1. Somehow a description of every single word and phrase in existence.

Wow, I never knew Diorama was an amazing band. I always thought it was a miniature model representing a 3d scene.

by bruhthisismyhandle August 20, 2021

Amazing Asian

An asian that is crazy, insane, awesome, outgoing,fun to be with, and basically the opposite personally of a typical asian male. This is the top tier of all asianess. They are a rare breed and hard to find, but once you find one, they are probably going to be one of the most awesome things you'll have in your life. It is not the standard asian you find under a math book.

"Dude! that kid is an amazing asian"- typical white male
"Yea i know i'm friends with him!"- typical asian male

by Chyeabrotha May 30, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amazing Trifecta

A disease where poor black people can buy cars, mattreses, and houses for only $500 dollars down!!

Yo Chocolandra, im gonna go get me sum amazing trifecta

by Noskcaj June 20, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amaze balls

(uh-MEYZ bawlz)
1. incredible, awesome, cool
2. of amazing origin
3. stunned

Her hair is so amaze balls!
This amaze balls grandfather clock...
That movie made me go amaze balls!

by The Potato Mastermind June 6, 2015

65๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your amazing

That means that your clapped

Your amazing=your clapped

by Skล•rrrrrrrrrtyyuj July 12, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž