Source Code

Casey Anthony

Verb: To use chloroform and duct tape on an unsuspecting person, place them in a garbage back, throw them in the trunk of a car and drop them off in the nearest wooded area... and then get away with it.

Seriously, if you don't shut the fuck up I am going to Casey Anthony you.

by thebitchisguilty6911 July 5, 2011

312๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

Casey truth

A nonsensical story that can include fictional characters and hallucinations. From the Casey Anthony trial.

You've been sworn to tell the truth, not the Casey truth.

by vanreign June 2, 2011

Casey Jones

A very potent new strain of marijuana almost exclusivally sold in Indianapolis and local Indiana regions at the moment. Made from a combination of the Trainwreck and Purple Haze strains.

Yo man lets hit some of that Casey Jones! Choo Choo!

by Captain Awesome the Great June 16, 2010

47๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

casey jones

The hockey-masked vigilante from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In volume one of the Mirage Studios TMNT comic books he became a vigilante due to watchin' too many cheesey vigilante cop shows. His first appearence was Raphael #1. He uses sports equipment as weapons. He carries his weapons in a golf bag. The weapons that he carries in his golf bag are: two baseball bats, a hockey stick, a golf club, and sometimes a cricket bat.

Casey Jones: Look out, scum of New York--Casey Jones rules!

by James Grimmer August 18, 2005

95๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

casey jones

1. an infamous train conductor who pushed the limits of speed and rounded a bend only to ram another train head-on
2. one who drives erratically
3. a famous Grateful Dead song

Did you see Casey Jones there barrelling down the road in that borracho helmet?

by JimbAround June 24, 2005

97๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Casey Anthony

OJ Simpson of 2011; Bitch that got away with murdering her 2 year old daugher Caylee Marie Anthony.

You can't get away with murder!! Who do you think you are, Casey Anthony?

by nhawkman July 5, 2011

318๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

pulling a Casey

Everyone is familiar with the story of Casey Jones who up at bat because of his massive ego deliberately let two strikes get by him before he (presumably) would made a home run, but he didn't. He struck out on the last one.

"Pulling a Casey" in this case is used as an action of swindling. It simply means to deliberately flounder, mess up, or make deliberate mistakes in the beginning of a game to encourage competitors and gamblers into thinking they have an easy win.

When in fact their opponent is quite skilled in the area of interest and is waiting for real money to arrive before they show off their incredible and stunning skill at the cost of everyone involved.

It's appropriate in settings of gambling like playing pool or even the shell game.

In the shell game the dealer pulls a Casey with the new players by letting them win a couple of bucks by finding the pea easily enough under the shell.

But the dealer knows full well they're going to bet more and try to win more - and that's when the swindle comes in. Once they have won their confidence on how "easy" the game is.

Pulling a Casey in a game of table pool for instance can show a pool-shark deliberately make bad moves like miss sinking balls and even scratching the cue to encourage bets.

And then after a few bad shots once there is real money involved - that's when the shark plays for keeps and takes the competitors and bets for all they are worth, hustling them for all their money.

"Did you see that ? I've already won $5 from Justin in blackjack ! I'm upping my bet !"
"Watch out, dude, he could just be pulling a Casey on you."

by dw8177 November 17, 2020