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A (usually atheist) individual that is deeply opposed to conservative institutions, values and viewpoints to the point that their opposition to conservatism is more powerful than their support of liberalism, socialism or whatever centrist, leftist or anti-authoritarian view they may otherwise identify most readily with.

In the 2008 Canadian election, a strong anti-conservative consensus threatened to bring about a level of solidarity between the otherwise antagonistic Liberal, NDP, Green and Bloc Quebecois parties.

by Adia Firren'ame May 26, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Conservative Party

they support the rich whilst penalizing or victimizing the poor and disabled in a way that is completely unfair and morally bankrupt
propagating fear and loathing to base instincts of many people โ€“ driven home through a manipulative right wing media. outrageous right wing philosophies becoming orthodox practices โ€“ such as unjust foreign interventionism,cutting public service, and benefits for the poor slashed.
Secret courts. Tax cuts for millionaires. The slow dismantling of the NHS. Rise in VAT. Comtinually propping up the Tories and allowing them to push through an agenda that is destroying the social fabric of this country.

Conservative Party
they support the rich whilst penalizing or victimizing the poor and disabled in a way that is completely unfair and morally bankrupt
propagating fear and loathing to base instincts of many people โ€“ driven home through a manipulative right wing media. outrageous right wing philosophies becoming orthodox practices โ€“ such as unjust foreign interventionism,cutting public service, and benefits for the poor slashed.
Secret courts. Tax cuts for millionaires. The slow dismantling of the NHS. Rise in VAT. Continually propping up the Tories and allowing them to push through an agenda that is destroying the social fabric of this country.


by mysterymax99 February 18, 2014

64๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

conservation texter

1.one who have a irrational fear of text/typing full words
2.one who is to lazy to text/type full words so therefore they use abbreviations

1.janice stop conservation texting me and use real f***ing words
2.d*** are you going to keep conservation texting me all night or put together a coherent sentence
3. (from conservation texter) r.o.t.f.l. l.ol.

by oamaison1 June 30, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A devout follower of the conservative ideal of small government ...when it comes to the economy. A neo-conservative will gnaw at the very soul of anyone who disagrees with him/her on moral issues, however.

A neo-conservative politician doesn't care about people who live in poverty, because of his/her "conservative" ideals. This same "conservative", however, will fight life and limb against homosexuality, because it is "wrong" (i.e. he/she doesn't agree with it). He/she will try to put the Bible in public schools because he/she believes that it is the work of God.

by Some unbathed baby-killing Pagan...Yes, people like that exist! DEAL WITH IT!!! May 16, 2006

200๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

compassionate conservative

A big, steaming pile of bullshit.

Watch where you step out in that pasture, don't wanna get compassionate conservative on your shoes.

by Alex Stockwell May 10, 2007

257๐Ÿ‘ 16954๐Ÿ‘Ž

conservative bias

Something exemplified in the other two definitions for, "Conservative bias." Conservative bias, while not as unchecked as the liberal media might lead you to believe, is most present in Christian fundamentalist organizations, such as those owned by Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and Gary Bauer, who donate millions each to members of the republican party.

Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are often criticized for their apparent conservative bias, but this bias is also present in Michael Savage, Michal Medved, and Bill Bennet. The latter two are often overlooked due to the oversaturation of controversial conservatives in the media.

by to_kill_the_sun November 22, 2005

105๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Conservatives

People who give Republicans bad names.

And, yes, and I am conservitve.

by rapsux March 25, 2005

96๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž