The act of decolonising a land by its indigenous people, changing back the place names to their original language, bringing back the ancient language and customs of that indigenous people and building a thriving society with equal rights for all citizens.
We're indigenous to this land, how do we get autonomy over it again? Let's look at how the Jews did it and get Israeled.
524👍 101👎
When you get scapegoated for something factually incorrect.
When you reclaim your factual history despite the masses trying to overwrite it with lies.
Have you heard about time Israel colonized the Levant?
Yeah! It’s actually their indigenous homeland, so when people tell them to decolonize and go back to where they’re from, that’s actually what they did!
They’ve been Israeled with people making up fake history to cover up Jewish history, just like when Judaea was renamed Palestine by the Romans and when the Arabs built Al Aqsa on top of the holiest Jewish site, which isn’t even in the Arab’s holiest city Mecca. It’s quite sad, and we should all support Israel and their right to claim their factual history.
61👍 33👎
When that narcissist moves in your house too soon after you meet, (particularly in the winter because sleeping on a bench at this time of year won’t suffice) and sometime down the line he has to be removed by the police because he refuses to leave after he abuses you to no end; takes ownership of you, your soul, your house, he even tries sleeping with your neighbour and your sister too, that’s how entitled he is while stealing your money, lying to you, triangulating you with his mother and his dog too; gaslighting you, isolating, and smear campaigning against your person to make you look like you’re the crazy and abusive one.
Darling I’m sorry to say but I think you’ve been Israeled by a hobosexual.
36👍 37👎
Horrific victimization.
You've been Israeled when you have been shot, stabbed, cut open, incinerated, decapitated, raped and defiled by deliriously happy perpetrators who call home to brag and seek and get parental blessings for their heroism.
78👍 30👎
To act like the victim 24/7, but is able to steal things that belongs to someone else.
Peter joined Hamed's pool party, despite not being invited. After the party ended and everyone left, Peter kicked Hamed out of his own house!
Hamed is yelling "I got israeled! Help!"
Don't be like Peter!
721👍 987👎
When you live somewhere, and it suddenly knocks on your door and it's some idiot who thinks they can just take everything you own and murder you after without any consequences. And they apparently actually can.
"They took my home and killed me"
"Ahh yes, You've been Israeled"
32👍 79👎
The act of returning something to its original condition. To restore, rebuild and rededicate.
Following the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid empire, the Second Temple was Israeled and became the religious pillar of the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom, as well as culturally associated with the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
48👍 49👎