Source Code

Dirty Jon

Using a driving glove to have a wank, especially when driving a Landrover on the M25.

Aah, this traffic jam is awful. I think I'll releive the boredom and have Dirty Jon...

by ThatBoyBotter April 18, 2020

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Jon Ross

a complete bad ass. He normally has red hair and his kinda shy. ALot of people like him and normally makes good grades.

Hey look its jon Ross he had a killer party last night!!

by Harley man February 14, 2012

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Jon Paul

Gay kid that is trash at zombs.

Dude you're out there looking like a Jon Paul, Gay and bad.

by JonPaulisGay November 12, 2019

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jon david

Jon David always looking fresh As fuck. This nigga don’t give a fuck bout shit he da best at everything he do no nigga can beat him nigga will do what he wants to no nigga can’t stop him .His nick name is always jd

Yo Jon David looking fresh

by Jd1738 March 20, 2018

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Jen&Jon is an alternate name for a couple where the girl's name is Jennifer, and the guy's name is Jonathan. Jen&Jon is one of the greatest things to ever come about this world. Jen&Jon are perfect for each other, and will always be happy together. They love each other with all their hearts, and will always be there for each other.

Oh my gosh! Jen&Jon are absolutely PERFECT together!! Soooo cute!

by AHOpElessHoe October 25, 2011

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jon brennan

An all-around amazing guy.

See that dude carrying that blind lady over his shoulder while sweeping his neighbors steps? What a Jon Brennan.

by easylikedreams February 13, 2014

Jon O'Donnell

Owes Liam a fiver.

Oi, Jon O'Donnell, you owe me a fiver.

by 100% Not Liam August 2, 2020