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June 13

If you were born on this day you are the most beautiful person ever. If anyone tries to call you ugly they are completely wrong because you were born on this day.

Person 1. I was born on june 13.
Person 2. That explains why you're so hot

by mynoduesq February 5, 2022

June 11

June 11th is the day you and all your friends throw a huge party everyone is invited and everyone vibes.

Hey isn’t June 11th when we throw a huge rave

by Badbitch imma call them out April 22, 2020

52πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

June 17

National hate day
Day where you can go off on the person you hate and they can't get mad about it

Guy- fuck you ive always hated you
Guy2- it's June 17 already? In that case, fuck you too

by dr._dank_noodles June 16, 2019

131πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

June 26th

June 26th is national bad bitch day. If you were born on June 26th you are a bad bitch.

Oh hey.. Today is June 26th! Are you a bad bitch?

by ratatouille and friends :) October 29, 2019

91πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

June 6

If your born on this date you are the prettiest human being alive and you’re best friend forever is born in October

She is pretty because she was born on June 6

by Thosoelb October 30, 2020

171πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

june 28

National cry yourself to sleep day
on this day your meant to sit in bed the entire day contemplating life until you fall asleep crying

i had such a good june 28th

by fatgaywholikesmen October 17, 2019

165πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

June 11

National hold my hand and give me kisses day-

On this day give your partner kisses and/or headpats

Me: it’s June 11
Them: *kisses*

by Your_local_simp June 3, 2021

39πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž