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A person with a rather quixotic outlook on life. Someone who fails to note the plausibility in their thinking and focuses on perfecting an already functioning system. A person who doesn't realize that free healthcare entails raised taxes which would end up amounting to the same thing, if not more, as non-free healthcare. A liberal would preffer to abolish the death penalty entirely on account of its injustice but is for abortion (I too I am for abortion, I'm simply making a point.) The rights of a convicted murderer, rapist, or both seem to be more important than those of a wouldbe innocent child. According to every political spectrum test I have ever taken, I am a liberal. Oh well.

People should drop titles and simply make dicisions based on common sense. I'm liberal on certain issues--Conservative on others. This is not an example, but I was forced to make one.

by Annnnnnonymous March 5, 2006

97๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who breaks with tradation
someone who belives in governental controlls of monetary interactions, but freedom of personal actoins.

He's liberal - with my money.

by boohay July 20, 2003

125๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is basically dead weight to society, and does not contribute anything. They rely on the government to do everything for them and believe that people's fates are determined not by how hard they work, but by what their government does for them.

Those liberals over there do nothing but smoke pot, and take up space, and talk about how they will change the world, yet their methods of fighting poverty have been scientifically proven by economists and other experts in related fields to be ineffective.

by 1337 speaka July 11, 2008

150๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž


stupid ppl that allowed gay/lesbian ppl to marry in canada

liberals suk alot yah......

by smiling_is_creepy September 9, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž


Officially the most annoying people in the world.

They seek the downfall of the worlds morals , but they will it because they themselves think they are being moral. They want to replace true morals with twisted morals.

Most of them are actually athiests/non religious but are trying to be moral and "good" people for no actual reason , and doing it the completely wrong way.

They try to speak for equality and acceptance , but they refuse to accept people who aren't warped like them. So in this sense they are also hypocrites.

Liberals are those people who , despite not being gay themselves and have no gay friends either will defend gay peoples right to shove each others dicks up each others shit holes to the death , for no known reason.

They care more about gay peoples rights than actual gay people even care about gay rights.

They also quite like to defend peoples rights to kill babies.

They are NOT good people like they like to think they are.

by FuckLiberals82347 August 6, 2011

78๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hateful term applied to anyone smarter than George Dubya. If it weren't for liberals slavery would still be completely acceptable. Liberals are often called Un-American for having common sense. Apparently Common sense is now only a European trait. Often picked on and despised for questioning questionable leadership as if we should follow our leader (reguardless of who) off a bridge without question. Liberals are despised for thinking for themselves as Republicans always blame the non-existant "liberal media" for the problems and turn to Fox news for their daily intake of rightwing bullshit which they like to call "fair and balanced"
Liberal: I voted for John Kerry because I think he's more qualified to lead our country.

Moron: You're Un-American
Source: Aaron, Mar 29, 2005


If liberals are so much smarter than Bush then how come Bush is the one who won the election? How come Republicans won so big?

I guess you liberals aren't as smart as you think you are because Bush appears to be smarter than all of you! ROFLMAO!!

by ^_____^ - laughing at liberals April 22, 2005

163๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž


An ideological group driven by emotion rather than reason. Truly believe they're intellectually superior to everyone else, much to the amusement of everyone else.

Conservatives/Independents/Libertarians: We really can't afford to buy everyone in the United States a house, car, and private jet.

Liberals: Think of the children!1!!!1!

by RO191 June 12, 2010

76๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž