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Canoe Face

The look your clueless significant other gives you when you accidently plow your canoe into the weeds, or a stump, or the nearest bank for the umpteenth time, because he or she has no freaking idea how hard these things are to steer.

"Hey! No more Canoe Face; you think it's so easy why don't you sit back here and give it a try?"

by Forbore Mort July 31, 2008

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A forensic pathologist who performs autopsies. After the organs are removed from the thoracic and abdominal cavities, what's left somewhat resembles a canoe.

"Gertrude, whose heretofore delicate beauty had ceased to continue living a few hours prior to the arrival of Inspector Lee Xiong 'Rusty' Fong, lay peacefully now among the daffodils and butterflies -- as well as among abundant evidence of foul play. Though Inspector Fong suspected he knew which wound would prove to be the fatal one -- that being the one that put two meters' distance between Gertrude's fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae -- he knew, nonetheless, that this was a case for the canoe-maker, Dr. Penelope 'Chui' Frankelburger."

by Graybeard October 1, 2006

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poop canoe

Long, slender poop that floats in the toilet. Therefore a poop canoe.

Come look at the poop canoe. The native Americans would be so proud.

by RedSonja June 24, 2015

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muddy canoe

when the beastieality porn star king known as manny the tube steak wrangler gets his gaping gunt filled with fecal matter

Dayyyuumm BITCH! WHY YOU GOT PEANUTS IN YA PUSSY AGAIN ?! "sorry hunny i got a muddy canoe from an ostrich earlier"

by Pawww! February 15, 2009

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Douche Canoe

Someone who is a bitch, a pussy, a douche punk motha fukka. A vagina looks some what like the shape of a canoe, and is where a douche goes. So calling someone a douche canoe is calling them a pussy or a bitch.

"Man I cant stand that do0d. He's such a bitch."
"Hell yeah he's a douche canoe for sure"

by theDunson January 26, 2019

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Douche Canoe

-The term used for a standard edition Ford Mustang. (manual windows, casset player, small V6 engine)

-This low priced version is usually driven by guys who flaunt the car as a hotrod to chicks and dudes to recieve attention.

-Durives from the facts that a Douche usually drives this type of Mustang without any knowledge of car specs. And because of it's limited horsepower, is called a Canoe

Douche: "Hey guys, check out my Saweeeet ride! It has an air cleaner!" (revs engine)

Guy:(to himself) "I can't believe this retard is bragging about his Douche Canoe again."

by IceKold88 December 11, 2009

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Douche Canoe

Someone who is an all around jerk. A hightened version of calling someone a douchebag. A derogitory term for someone who did something bad or mean.

Jeez, Tom just ditched us to go to the movies... he's such a douche canoe...

Dont be such a Douche canoe

by Boosh.Jgc April 30, 2010

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