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Muddy Sanchez

When a person with diarrhoea is invited into the bedroom. Said person will defecate into a milkshake glass from which the two partners will drink from. The frothy residue left on the upper lip is referred to as a "Muddy Sanchez". Popular in Mexico.

Note: Diarrhoea best drunk at room temperature, for the added hit of freshness.

Woman: Hey, how have you been?
Man: How ARE you!
*the two kiss*
Woman: Wow, nice moustache! How long did it take to grow it?
Man: Oh this? Oh that's just my Muddy Sanchez.
Woman: Your what?
Man: Oh, I was drinking some diarrhoea earlier this morning from a milkshake glass.
Woman: ...... stay away from my children.

by Harold Hustaffsvenson June 18, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

DTS Sanchez

D(irty) T(he) S(andman) Sanchez. A Sexual Predator Janitor that is mexican who works at a catholic school who cleans up penis drawings all day and picks up boys on myspace on the weekend the rapes them.

guy 1: Dude I just saw DTS Sanchez over there.

guy 2: What was he doing?

guy 1: Raping kids dumbass, what the fuck do u think?

by bob cotter February 13, 2010

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Dirty Sanchez

It is when you rub shit across your upper lip.

Hey baby, dirty sanchez for $5.

by Tootie92 December 26, 2009

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The Verizon Sanchez

A combination of wide shitty coverage and a Dirty Sanchez. Unlike his midget cousin (The Dirty Valdez, aka Big Oil Shit Mustache), The Verizon Sanchez more resembles a big oil shit BEARD, and normally occurs in the Gulf of Mexico.

In the spring of 2010 British Petroleum gave The United States The Verizon Sanchez because they kept making fun of England for still having a queen.

by pubesforpetrolem June 14, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Sanchez

after having anal sex, the man pulls out his penis and wipes it across his partners lip, forming an authentic looking mexican moustache.

he gave her a dirty sanchez and she never had anal sex again.

by frappe August 5, 2005

14125๐Ÿ‘ 11300๐Ÿ‘Ž

Danish Sanchez

After placing a pinch of Copenhagen between your gum and cheek, you wipe your tobacco juice and spit covered fingers on the upper lip of your victim. This act is normally inflicted on people who complain how gross using smokeless tobacco is.

While you can complete this act using any brand of smokeless, it is recommended that Copenhagen is the one you use due to is pungent and often nauseating smell for the non-user.

-Me- *Placing a well deserved chew in my lip*

-Co-Worker- Dude, chewing is so gross. Why don't you just quit?

-Me- Shut your face before I give you a Danish Sanchez.

-Co-Worker- Don't wipe that shit on my lip again, last time you did I could smell it for a week.

by MrTits August 22, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Piglet Sanchez

When a man uses the top of his ear to rub the end of a womans anus after she has just shit. He then rubs the discharge on a friends upper lip because he was probably watching anyways. "dirty piglet Sanchez"

My girlfriend doesn't know it, but she is going to get a piglet Sanchez for valentines day. My boy will be in the closet.

by Dj zack attack February 8, 2011

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