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Small dicked individual with an even smaller IQ

That Stephen was crying on and on like a little bitch

by Hungrybogadile March 30, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stephen is a small boy that gets bullied and his penis is so small and he tries to jerk off but can't. His head is thin and looks like a pancake. He doesn't like to play water pong because he gets vodka in his cup and dumps the wrong one out. He is a fagot and no one likes him.

Stephen has no penis

by Fhejdinebif March 17, 2017

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Fag who likes strap on sex with females

I'll take a strap on in the ass from a girl like Stephen.

by StephenTheGayFaggot March 30, 2017

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Stephen Harper

Stephen Harper, the most damaging political figure in Canadian history.

See also: Emperor Harperius Mandatorius Minimus (self-promoted)

It has been scientifically proven that Stephen Harper is consuming oxygen and water that would be better utilized by more inteligent and beneficial creatures, such as cockroaches, syphillis spirochetes, and the herpes virus family.

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The first Prime Minister of Canadian history to have EVER been found in Contempt of Parliament, to which he responded "The Canadian people don't care about that..."

If the Canadian People REALLY don't care about this MASSIVE abuse of power and attack on the people of Canada, then we can kiss Canada as we know it goodbye on May 2nd, 2011...it will not survive another round of Stephen Harper.

Harper has stated in no uncertain terms that, if reelected (despite his not being eligible to run again due to his Contempt of Parliament), he will ramrod through an "Omnibus crime bill" within 100 days or his return to the Office Of The Emperor of Canada.

This "omnibus crime bill" will CREATE ENOUGH NEW CRIMINALS to fill his 9 BILLION dollar "new and refurbished prisons" to capacity, and then some, by making many current activities crimes with mandatory minimum prison terms that have already shown to be an expensive, useless and detrimental failure in the USA, while doing absolutely NOTHING to reduce crime rates.

If Harper is allowed to regain his throne, we WILL see a private prison system in Canada, even though we've already tried it and it failed miserably, and those private prisons have already been shut down.

There comes apoint where doing the wrong thing over and over again MUST eventually prove that it's still the wrong thing, no matter how many attempts are made to make the wrong thing "the thing to do."

by ElectroPig von FรถkkenGrรผรผven April 25, 2011

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Stephen Conroy

Australian Minister for Broadband and Communications (basically everything digital within Australia). Best known for his sheer stupidity regarding the area he's supposed to be in charge of, he's trying to push into our internet system a filter supposedly to "block child porn" - what it's really for is to block everything he doesn't like. Said filter has been proven to be a complete piece of shit (for example, it blocked a fucking kennel boarding site! Seriously? Something that helps the animals? Conroy, you fucknut.), and is hated by just about everyone with half a working brain. Of course, being butthurt, the only counter he can come up with is "if you don't like my plan you must be a pedophile!" Worst part? He wants it to be MANDATORY, despite even the senators advocating it demanding that it be optional - if he wins, say goodbye to free speech and get ready pack your bags and flee to Scandinavia.

Stephen Conroy: Once we stamp out freedom of speech we can work on stamping out freedom of thought!

by Hyperion09 June 30, 2010

sophie stephens

A wild cultchie from Enniskillen who sells nudes on her sc n proper thinks sheโ€™s great but in reality is the biggest stinker ever to exsist. She dances in the middle of town and surprisingly didnโ€™t make everyone vomit. Her and @ScarletKHL think they truely are THE SHIT!

Sophie Stephens is a slag.

by Cry me a river xxx July 9, 2019

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Sammy Stephens

Owner of the infamous Flea Market Montgomery and creator of the Flea Market Rap. After being glorified on Youtube and the Ellen Degeneres show, he achieved god-like status and now watches over the internets.

Flea Market... Montgomery... it's just like... it's just like... a Mini... MALL! - Sammy Stephens

by Rikus August 10, 2007

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