Pronounced as “gif” with a hard g (fuck you its pronounced gif not jif even if the creator says so), it is a type of a looped animation thingamajig that counts as a image for some reason, the difference is that gifs are shorter and have no sound, they also tend to have worser quality possibly because in the process of converting the said video to a gif something happened that messed with the quality
Person 1: Dude, it’s pronounced “jif” not “gif”! Even the creator said so!
Person 2: So are you saying that, god is “jod” and get is “jet”?
A moving loop with no sound.
It's pronounced Gif, not Jif. gif stands for Graphics Interchange Format and last time I checked graphics is not pronounced "jraphics"
Bob: dude chek out this gif!
Paul: Awesome!
Think of it as a video with no sound that automatically repeats itself
You see that thing below this sentence? Yeah that’s a GIF
Gif (G.I.F), (pronounced G-i-FF) is an acronym for Graphics Interchange Format that was created in 1987 by CompuServe to compress or reduce the file size of small images and animations. It is most commonly used by messaging websites and apps such as iMessage, Discord, Facebook-Messenger, ect.
My friend sent me a funny gif of a monkey kissing a dog.
GIF is an acronym for Gives Immense Fucks.
It is used to show a lot of excitement about any given occasion.
Kevin GIF's about his birthday.
a word that is pronounced "jif".
"I really hate it when people post gee-ai-effs that lead you to other links!"
"It's called gif, you peasant!"