Source Code

Crip Whistle

The whistle that all blood members never wanna here because they are about to get their asses fucked up and shot

This nigga doin a crip whistle let's call the homies bluh

by ksmith123 January 24, 2020

34๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crip Ghetto

"Crip Ghetto" is the slang term that the Disability Community has given to nursing homes and mental institutions due to the fact that alot of Persons With Disabilities (Cripples or Crippled) live in nursing homes and mental institutions.

My best friend is living in a "Crip Ghetto" because my best friend is a quadriplegic person.

by Legit-PWD January 18, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crip Walk

The c-walk or crip walk is a thing of the crips gang.
It was used by crips at partyes to diss the bloods by writing bloods and then x-ing it.
it was also used afther killing someone to give the kill a crip signature.
The crip walk is only to be used by crips, at least that's what they say.
It can get you harmed or even killed if you do it in the wrong part of the city(especially la, but ny too). And keep in mind that crips don't like you doing they walk so they meght hurt you too, not just the bloods.

you can see the crip walk in snoops drop it like it's hot vid, also in get your walk on by xzibit. These are real crips so they know it the right way.

by BogdanR October 6, 2005

729๐Ÿ‘ 401๐Ÿ‘Ž

crip dick

An extremely small penis most often completely lacking testes. Similar to a micropenis except it looks to be about the size of a cooked pea. It is called crip dick because all crips have them and enjoy rubbing them with just about anything they can get their hands on to simulate something they will never actually experience in life.

Becky laughed at Tyrone when he took his pants off and she saw his crip dick.

It doesnt help girls to kick crips in the balls because they dont have any due to their crip dicks.

The crip tried to have the male prostitute give him a handjob but the poor guy couldnt find it anywhere.

by Biggle-Pie September 10, 2006

293๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž

crip gang

A gang based in L.A.

They wear Blue and are rivals with the Bloods.

I'm in the Crip Gang.

by Skoolboy Ty May 3, 2016

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


dumb motherfuckers who cant seem to get along. they're gangs
bloods wear red and crips wear blue. they're always killing eachother

why cant they just fuckin get along i mean come on

by irishmoron August 24, 2005

885๐Ÿ‘ 507๐Ÿ‘Ž

crip knowledge

Crip Knowledge is used to tell if some one is false claimin or not like lets say I see some Cuz rockin C'Z all day and I spit him some crip knowledge and he doesnt know then he is false claming. There is knowledge for all gangs. For Slo6s and others to. THe higher ranking you are then the moe knowledge you will speak.

Crip Konwledge:

Real: You rockin crips speak some knowledge
Fake: Whats knowledge?
Real: You fake as
The end of the barrel: Pop POp POp POP POp It sounds like pop secret.

Holla HOlla At yo cuzin cuzes

You no crip knowledge

Why are all the apples falling of the apple tree?

Ca all the Slo6s are dieing.

holla at yo boy Ma6 Cs up all day every day Im from 6rooklyn

6k all day

by James Wilsey August 2, 2006

998๐Ÿ‘ 577๐Ÿ‘Ž