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Better than school..

I'd rather think about death than school!

by JaiBrooksIsSmexi July 6, 2018


Death is such a powerful concept that it's hard to think or talk about, it creates a hole in you and can destroy entire families. Only very emotionally lacking people can talk about it without feeling sadness, yet we have decided to create mass death on so many occasions.

When it had flooded and Sam fell into the river we were scared, but when she was torn from my grip and pulled away I knew that only Death could follow.

by WILDRINKADINK September 25, 2019


something that should happen to you, let it happen.

Guy1: I can't wait for Death!
Guy2: Same!

by HappyDuck5 February 3, 2018


English class . Just plain English class

Death happens in English class

by Razors1st October 17, 2017


Something Karens all deserve

Death : Alrighty, it’s time for you to go.
Karen : I’m not leaving so early! Let me speak to your manager! 😡

by MyChildhoodHasBeenRuined February 22, 2022


1.Death is when your best friends brothers say "Hey Sisters" or "UwU" While your facetiming them

2. The act of no longer existing I recommend it

For example

1.Kara fell on the pavement from a 13 storie building she has now cuaght death

2.Why did you push me I could've fallen to my death

3.there was a cat named pandy that was surfing on pillows and went off a pillow ramp in the dark and then when he saw light he smashed ridge and died of a gruesome death

by Gabesdeath October 18, 2022


When you fee dead

"I feel like death"

by Cresttoothpaste February 23, 2018