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A blow job from a deer.

That deer was giving great head. Talk about a great deer-job.

by Dean P. Portugal September 22, 2011

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Wounded Deer

The girl who at the end of the night is being carried into a cab by a guy looking to score. The drunkest, easiest girl at a party who is easy prey for horny guys.

-"I saw you took down a wounded deer last night"
-"Niggas gotta fuck"

by B4LT1M0RE Thuggin July 9, 2010

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Flying Deer

A drink made out of a shot of Jaegermeister and a half can of Red Bull.
Also known as jaegerbomb or jagerbomb, but sounds better and is the common name in Europe for this drink.

Mike: Do they have Jaegerbombs in Europe?
Gerald: What is it?
Mike: Jaegermeister mixed with Red Bull.
Gerald: Oh yeah, but we call it Flying Deer.
Mike: Well, then let's order some Flying Deers!

by Geraldtheaustrian August 7, 2007

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deer boofing

The act of re-arranging deer statues, particularly those made of christmas lights, in erotic positions.

"It's December 1, deer boofing season is open."
"No way, those deer don't know what is about to hit them."

by Nate-o November 22, 2007

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Deer Calling

The noise you make when you’re puking after a night of heavy drinking

I was deer calling all night!
Did I hear the distant sound of a college student deer calling?

by Raular January 10, 2018

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John Deere

A nickname given to a country boy named John.

Cum ova her john deere

by jmansherron December 19, 2008

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shootin the deer

when a guy jacks off

mom: why were you in your room so long junior
junior: nothing ma
mom: yeah you were shootin the deer

by helloooooolol March 19, 2011