A diet consisting of only fruits and nuts, also maybe the most beneficial.
If your fat girlfriend starts the squirrel diet she can give up developing that horrid personality.
A diet consisting of only fruits and nuts, also maybe the most beneficial.
If your fat girlfriend starts the squirrel diet she can give up developing that horrid personality.
Banishment of unsightly fat by Image manipulation.
Half of the men and women on matchmaker.com are on the photoshop diet.
When instead of dieting you start using methamphetamine to get the weight off.
*Jefferson County
I can eat whatever I want and still lose the weight I'm on the Hadlock diet.
Deit-bore, as opposed to dieter:
A fat person that incessantly tells the world how to diet or all about their own diet plans despite their never losing a single pound of weight themselves.
"Man, did you hear that sloppy Diet-bore tell me how she's gonna fit into her prom dress, just as she was slamming down a burger, milkshake and super-sized fries?"
verb - To play video games instead of eating food with your family, friends or pets.
noun - A diet by which video games are substituted for alcohol, nutritious food and cola.
1. I was in my basement playing world of warcraft for a week straight to hit the 80level cap. It is the best way to stay skinny using the gamer's diet.
2. Did you see Carl's on his gamer diet? He looks like he will collapse playing call of duty like that.
Someone, of female gender who goes on many diet attempts. She explores each diet for 24 hours but can never stick with it! Jumps from diet to diet without regard for each diets feelings.
Diet slut- "I'm not drinking water anymore."
Me- "why?"
Diet slut- "my new diet has me only drinking green tea."
Me- "yesterday you were on an all carb diet."
Diet slut- " i ditched it."
Me- "psh diet slut!"