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something that i like to use for my addiction

yo stevie where's that juul broski i dont wanna smoke a bogey

by JaySeaEss September 27, 2020


A small object perfect for killing yourself with.

Where is my damn juul I wanna kill myself with it.

by Pop a pillow August 30, 2019


Every 15 year olds prize possession

Friend: where’s your juul?

15 yr old: I lock that in a safe

by Alexxxxbroooo112 November 4, 2019

National Give Frank Free Juuls Day

All humans must give Frank their Juul along with pods in this day.

Boy: wow i’m living this juul. it hits hella smooth.
Frank: Gimme dat shit nigga. It’s National Give Frank Free Juuls Day.

by v8pe god 69420 April 20, 2019

blacking out a gay juul

hitting the gay juul for 10 seconds until the gay light turns off

do you see that fag Ryan blacking out a gay juul?

by Jimmy jake March 11, 2024

Juul Room

A place where normal people relieve themselves and addicts stricken themselves.

Student 1: I'll be in the Juul Room!
Student 2: Number 1, Number 2, or Number dead?
Concerned Mom: It ain't kool to juul in skool! #hashtag

by CouchPotato2019 November 19, 2019

juul vs lang

Doctors site Juul Vs. Lang as one of the leading factors as to why many men and women have micropenises, and therefore suicide rates skyrocket.

Juul Vs Lang is for retards

by JVL sucks March 29, 2019