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a completely wicked song, by the band Disturbed. Off of their 3rd CD, "Ten Thousand Fists". The album is highly anticipated and is to be released September, 2005.

"hey man, have you heard disturbed's new song, stricken?, it KICKS ASS"

by Scotty Rushton August 21, 2005

108πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


When you are so far beyond being done with something or someone.
When you are ill or look like you've just returned from the 7 circles of hell.
When a person/place/thing seems to be cursed.
When you're ready to "strike a match" to the entire situation.

"Will, are you okay? You look like you went bobbing for apples, and someone set the back of your hair on fire!"
"Bitch, I'm stricken!"

by thesinginlucas May 31, 2016

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Name of a Rapeboard Troll and internet tough guy

stricken trolls with an identity

by thicken July 8, 2009

8πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


a person poor in pocket but rich in poetic imagination

He did not notice his poverty because he was poetry-stricken

by Wally Keeler February 9, 2009

Pussy poverty-stricken

comes from the word dick deprived, but instead used for the opposite sex. means lack of pussy. the word was founded by Alexia maria Romero @alexiamariaromero on Instagram.

β€œYou haven’t had sex in a while!”


by amazingalexia123 November 17, 2018

Poverty Stricken Zesty Reach

the Poverty Stricken Zesty Reach man aka Richard Chew

oh look theres Poverty Stricken Zesty Reach aka Richard Chew

by Vengeance_πŸ’€ September 26, 2024