King-side castling or short castling, a move in chess consisting of moving the king two squares toward the king-side rook on the same rank and then moving said rook to the square the king passed over. The move cannot be performed if the player is in check, or if the king or the rook in question has already moved. King-side castling is notated O-O.
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. Bc4 Bc5
4. O-O O-O
Emoticon that only means eyes staring deep into something...
Jake: "Hey man this guy sent me two O's and he said he's going to eat my heart out."
Kris: "That just means he's starting at you."
Jake: " What a creep..."
t o y o t a c o r o l l a .
someone:what is dat?
me: T O Y O T A C O R O L L A
A resemblance of a sauria (the animal).
Dave: What the fuck is that god damn thing?
John: What does it look like?
Dave: It looks like O/_\O and it also looks like a piece of shit!!!
John: Oh then it's probably a sauria so stay away or else it will also turn you into one of those pieces of shit.
Dave: HOLY CRAP IM OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To hit the bed, hit da hay! In other words SLEEP
Say less wag, ima go beat o’ sleep o’ then safe
<o=O/ is a kind of way of making a race car of sorts with just the normal setup of a keyboard
<o=O/ can't really be used in any sentences.