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also Pokémon sw/sh

every negative argument but national pokedex removal and wasted story, is trash and just something nitpicked to be nitpicked

also Pokémon sw/sh: i agree some parts are wasted potential but really, is it that bad to still be talked about in 2021, 2 years after its initial launch?

by someone else thats not u January 11, 2021

Kent Street SHS

Full of zesty queers and smelly goblins. Many Chinks and full of white blond chicks. Half of the girls look like men and the guys look like chicks. Its a backwards school

Person: Hey what school do you go to?
Person 2: Oh I go to Kent Street SHS
Person: So you like dick up your bum?
Person 2: Obvisouly gotta rep Kent

by Kent Street Killa March 9, 2023