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Gorilla strong

A type of overestimated strength usually due to a combination of alcohol drugs and a regular workout program.

This perceived strength normally gets you an over night stay in the county jail.

John Was gorilla strong which enabled him to smash out a car windshield with his bare hands , and subsequent arrest.

by Rctiger June 1, 2016

Jenga strong

When something appears to be unmovable, but only takes a little push to make it crumble.

When it comes to his daughter asking for something, his willpower is Jenga strong.

by Pmdono July 23, 2016

Oliver Strong

Idiot idiot dumb dumb and a koala

Oliver Strong is a rare species

by Fjfdjgsrijogrejiogreioj October 6, 2020

Weak and strong

Weak and strong is both weak and strong, rather than perfect.

I'd rather be weak and strong than just weak only. At least I got a little range without having to go get a rifle.

by Solid Mantis September 11, 2020

strong boner

Sexual arousal to the highest degree in situations where it would not be comfortable nor appropriate.

A very attractive woman walked into the office, I looked at her and got a strong boner. I was embarrassed (but exited).

by f4000 June 1, 2018


A British Zimbabwean boy who plays for Swindon water polo team and also represents Wiltshire at a county level. He is seen to get multiple bans in one match.

"did you see HENRY STRONG get that red card!"
"No, he always gets them ahahaha"

by qwerty1234567888 June 15, 2022

3👍 1👎

sister strong

A person who’s strong, mentally/ a way to inspire someone

Tatianna: He broke up with me, WAAAH *cries in Skinny*

Brianna: It’s ok sister strong, he was small as a chihuahua

by Ryn Harris Klebold December 26, 2018