The super-ness of rad-ness: when something is so sweet and so extreme that it must have a phrase invented all for itself.
A phrase used (and probably originated) by the most rockin, rollin, skanking band of insaneness, The Aquabats. Super Rad is a name of one of their greatest and earliest songs.
The phrase Super Rad is a pretty fair way of expressing divine awsomeness.
1) "Hey bro ya know that band the Aquabats, well they are pretty freaking Super Rad."
2) " Hey man did you see Jerry's new shoes, well i must say they are exquisitly Sper Rad"
3) Tell your mom, Tell your dad, We were Super Rad
50👍 9👎
One doozy of a date with the 17 dates worth of romance wrapped up into one incredible night.
Very gooey and romantic.
♫ On your Super-Date,
troubles of the world will simply have to wait.♫
♫ All wonders and amazements served up on a silver plate,
hurry up now don't be late. ♫
♫ Cause hand in hand, you'll find a land,
where paradise awaits. ♫
"And then *BOOM!* fireworks over the Manhattan skyline, you kiss her!"
♫ And that's your Super-Date. ♫
25👍 3👎
noun. A crippling disease that strikes college undergraduates in their 5th year of college. Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation.
Professor: You have only been to class once in the past month.
Student: Yeaaa... I meant to email you and let you know that I came down with a very bad case of Super Senioritis.
19👍 1👎
An employee who goes below and beyond
Bailey sucked his managers cock so hard that it cured his prolapse he’s a super operator
15👍 1👎
a TV show where four storybook characters and children and children at heart who watch the show from home go into storybooks to find answers to the main characters' problems by looking for Super Letters that go into the Super Duper Computer that will eventually give the answer to said character's problem or question. First, Wyatt appears on a library bookshelf and tells the people watching that he's glad they're here. Then, he opens the door and they go into Storybook Village, his hometown. Then, while he carries the Super Duper Computer with him, he looks to see which character has a problem that needs to be solved today. If it's Pig, Red, or Princess Pea, he goes straight to their homes to see what's wrong, If he has the problem, he sees what happens at his house. After, he calls the Super Readers, along with the kids at home, and after everyone says their names, he tells the kids to say their names. Then, they go into the Book Club, and if the other characters have problems to state, he tells them to state their problems. If he has the problem, Pig, Red, or Princess Pea tells him to state his problem. Then, they find a book with characters who have similar problems to their own. Then they transform into Alpha Pig, Wonder Red, Princess Presto, Super Why, and Super You, and everyone says their powers, and Wyatt says Super You's power as well as his own. Then, they go into the books to find the answers and go back to the club. Then, after they go back to the Book Club, Wyatt, Super Why's real name, tells the people at home to read the letters of the answer with him, and the answer appears. Then, after Wyatt asks why the answer is what it is, either he, Peterfore Pig, Red Riding Hood, or Princess Pea tells what the characters in the books they visited did to make the answer that.Then, everyone else tells the character with the question to do just what the character in the books they visited who have smiliar problems to theirs did to solve theirs.
I liked how the "Super WHY!" versions of the stories got changed when the characters gave the excuse "It says so in my story" when they are asked why they did the things they did in the original versions. I especially liked it when Red Riding Hood told the wolf who tricked her to stop tricking her and her grandmother, Princess Pea's mother ate the pea that was poking her so she could sleep, Tom Thumb got tall, and the shoemaker met his secret friends. It was especially great when they changed the Cinderella story where she stayed at the party when her clothes changed to rags again and the prince wanted to dance with her instead of her stepsisters.
89👍 18👎
A boner so strong and substantial that's it utterly incapacitating. It's the kind of boner dreams are made of.
Sometimes when I was a little kid they would just pop out of nowhere and I became completely immobile.
70👍 13👎
A very popular music that turned into a meme by a Chinese man who always walking around the park and make a short videos. This music was created by a Japanese VTuber but honestly, nobody give a damn about it.
User 1: Who's Super Idol and why does it popped on my recommended?
Gim: Super Idol 的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱 105 °C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水你不知你有多可爱跌倒后会傻笑着再站起你从来都不轻言失败对梦想的执着一直不曾改很安心 当你对我说不怕有我在放着让我来勇敢追自己的梦想那坚定的模样
108👍 22👎