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Textual Chastity

The opposite of sexting. Texting someone with the intent to make them feel grossed out and/or uncomfortable.

I don't like to sext, I practice textual chastity instead.

by absolutelynot57 October 7, 2021

Textual Bombardment / Harassment.

The act when one person sends another person a series of small, meaningless (by themselves and not as a whole), pointless, annoying, gear grinding redundant messages with the purpose of conveying a message.

Person1: Hi
Person1: How
Person1: Are
Person1: You
Person2: Dude can you quit? This is Textual Bombardment / Harassment.

Pesron1: Today?
Person1: Okay.

by victicom July 14, 2015

Textual Abuse

When an overly aggressive potential partner you only met once won't stop text messaging you

That kid just blew me up again! I never should have gave that textual abuser my number!!!

by Boston Homey December 20, 2010

textual lubricant

Phrases such as "lol" or "lmao" used to ease the awkwardness of a conversation, even though you're not laughing at all.

He's so good at using textual lubricant, I feel so comfortable texting him!
She's not laughing at your jokes, that's just textual lubricant, bro.

by hennyyy March 15, 2021

textually disfunctional

Someone who Creats conflit through text. Someone who is unable to communicate through text messaging. Someone who doesn't know how to text.

He is "textually disfunctional and cannot be trusted

by ashlav January 16, 2012

Textual regret

The regret you feel after you text your ex either in an emotional break down or when you've had a few to many

Last night was great but i wokeup with a hangover and textual regret

by Soloshit June 6, 2022


The ability to attract the opposite sex and even seduce said person through texting and/or instant message.

Girl, he isn't even that hot or anything but I just cant resist his textuality.

by Tebaug D'Balzac October 3, 2010