Source Code

writ of execution

What the hot-tempered Queen of Hearts would have needed to actually chop off the heads of any of her subjects whom she happened to be displeased at.

Since the King of Hearts quietly told all of the condemned croquet-players, "you are all of you pardoned", it seems fairly doubtful that he would actually have scribed out a writ of execution in any instance, especially if it was merely because his wife the Queen wanted it so.

by QuacksO March 3, 2019

demolition executive

Demolition Executives are people appearing to be executive leaders or appearing to have authority over sphere(s) of influence, that make critical (seemingly bumbling) mistakes at semi-strategic milestones in order to implode the area over which they hold dominion (Corporation, Organization, Political Position). Sometimes overtly self-destructive, but more often a subtle form of long-term corporate espionage where operations costs are driven up to offset profit and literally companies "Fall into their own footprint," becoming ripe for acquisition and mergers. Common tools in the arsenal of the Demo Exec are plausible deniability, projection, and self effacement. Common psychological responses to Demo Execs are Denial, and Stockholm Syndrome.

Dude, time to roll. They brought in a Demolition Executive.

by Support Sherpa April 2, 2020

Chikatilo's Execution Day

An Russian joke about Valentine's Day but the Day (February 14th) is also an Day when the Russian serial killer Andrei Chikatilo got executed, on February 14th, 1995.

Person 1: What's day is February 14th?
Person 2: Valentine's Day!
Person 3: No, it's Chikatilo's Execution Day!!

by YarMakh February 14, 2025

executive leadership skills

If someone says you have “ executive leadership skills,” they’re saying “you’re a little cunt.”

You have executive leadership skills!

by TheAmishDon March 2, 2022

Executive Blow Job

When your girl is dressed professionally for work and she gets down to slob knob without removing any of her fancy formal wear. She's giving an Executive Blow Job.

"Dam girl, did you just come out of a million dollar budget meeting? *zzzzzzzzzip* Awww yasssss babygirl, get it! Gimme dat Executive Blow Job! *skeet skeet skeet*"

by WhateverDuntCare February 4, 2018

Jungle Execution

A Jungle Execution is someone hits you so hard with a rolled-up newspaper that it breaks your neck, causing you to instantly perish.

"He became free when Ciocolatta got a fucking Jungle Execution from Giorno"

by GUST_Of_Wind May 15, 2019




by InterpersonalCommunication February 21, 2025