Be careful near Johnny. He gave me a Mexican Shampoo in the showers last week.
When you’re in the barrel of a wave (that is a hollow hole while the wave is crashing over top of you down the line) but the barrel is just big enough for you to fit through, nipping/washing your hair like it’s shampoo
Announcer: “O’Brien in the wave looks like it’s gonna be a close out JUST makes it with a shampoo barrel ”
Basically used to describe the process of having sexual entercourse with a pregnant woman.
- What did you do last night?
- It was amazing! I brougth this pregnant chick home. I'm pretty sure I'll shampoo the baby sooner than expected.
When you premature a polish brunch.
Totally Shampooed russalo with a Dirty Austin last night.
Shampoo that gives people real results for longer luscious looking flow
yo check out that bros flow it's sick, people should call him floseidon,he must be using Shampion Shampoo
people who don't like washing their hair and don't realise it has gone greasy and horrible.
megan- that girl anya has such greasy hair!
joanna- i know, what a shampoo dodger!
Pouring the shampoo is when you ejaculate on your partner.
I was with this girl, and I was pouring the shampoo all over her!