The realest out. The term from the big boss . DOLO the lil Soulja along with 2 tymes THE HBIC
Don’t play with the L 7
7 Stud is a popular poker game in which each player is dealt 7 cards in the following order:
2 face down
4 face up
1 face down
Each player makes the best possible 5-card hand using any combination of their seven cards.
1. Lets play 7 stud and bet ten dollars a hand.
7 up I’m getting up, clear soda, I’m clearing out the cops on the way.
Yells “7 uP”
“Dudes let’s go you heard the cops on the way”
7 smoke's a day challenge : is the new challenge you might see promoted somewhere. It's when you have, 1 smoke for breakfast, 1 for morning tea, 1 for lunch, 1 for afternoon tea, 1 for dinner, and 2 for supper (to get you through the night)
If you come across any information on the 7 smoke's a day challenge please share it
How did we get here? You must be REALLY bored.
No, like seriously How bored ARE you.
person1: hey
persona 2:qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,.//.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+{}:"<>?qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujm,kiol./;p'qetuo\adgjl'zcbm.
GAY, G is the 7th letter of the alphabet, A is the 1st and Y is the 35th letter.
"9' 13 7 1 35?"
"Surprised you only noticed now."
1👍 2👎