100% guarantee to have a massive forehead and a receding hairline at the age of 12, he is quite smart but has 0 chat and only shoots 2's. All his ex's are Indian and he loves a bit of spice. He acts like he's the bollocks but is a big pussy, he needs to grow up, tell him to stop chatting to munters.
dave 'you seen that max todd guy'
john 'yeah hes a right munter hunter'
dave 'no hairline merchant'
A very small person that has very small hands, dick and anus. You can spot a max Albert by there grumpy attitude, shity music tastes, slightly curly hair, and runy poop.
He is a max Albert. I can tell by his shity music taste.
Using chapstick on your penis to help with the fluidity of jelqing
I was chapstick maxing when I rubbed my penis with chapstick
max jumps in his ride and then drive to friend girls house , maki taki get all girls . he clappy tappys them all he makes make them his mate. maki taki is a alpha male
hhas your life ever felt like max's life
Getting into a fight with someone when they steal your Great British pound coin.
Wow man, almost had a Max Simpson the other day with this homeless guy on spice. It's okay though I knocked that bastard the fuck out.