When someone is exceptional in being faded then a hoe, they may choose to get a higher education at Yodie State University, or YSU. A person is granted a scholarship using the Double Blinky Scholarship Program.
A: Man I’m fr faded as a hor
B: Man you bouta go to Yodie State University
A: Got that Double Blinky Scholoarship
Asian University for Women is an independent, international university in Chittagong, Bangladesh seeking to educate a new generation of leaders in Asia. AUW admits students based on merit, regardless of their family's income level. Nearly all students are on full scholarships, with many as the first in their families to attend university.
Asian University For Women offers two pre-collegiate bridge programs, Access Academy and Pathways for Promise, and a three-year undergraduate program based in the liberal arts and sciences.
Asian University For Women has more than 850 students enrolled from 19 countries across Asia and the Middle East.
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It’s a universe where earth code named Earth-199999 and has a country called sokovia
Breaking news, the avengers fucked up sokovia in the marvel cinematic universe
A school that is small in size, but big in spirits.
Riccardo: So where do you go for college?
Jane: Santa Clara University! We may be small in size, but we dream big. We're the David to Stanford's Goliath. Go Broncos!
The time at which no matter what channel you turn to, there will be a commercial running.
Bill: " The commercials on this channel are longer than the program. Turn it to something else."
Steve (after turning it to several other channels, all with commercials): " It must be Universal Commercial Time.
Any university located in Youngstown OH.
So, what type of school is Youngstown State University?
Oh, It's an Urban Research University.
1.When you yeet so hard it becomes a UNIVERSAL NAY NAY
2. When everyone nay nays at the same time
"bruh, you just yeeted every one"
"they just got UNIVERSAL NAY NAYED"