A kill/body. Mostly used by people on Florida to describe a headshot
I was posted last night trying to catch a hat but dude never showed up
Hat is a green and orange lizard like character who will eat you in your sleep if you don't feed it goats at night.
Wow I really hat wearing my hat
When you have the girl in a 90 degree with there pussy on you head, and she sucking you penis
Man, that bitch had a decent hat!
A hat is something that people use for style sometimes they use hats for the sun or maybe other things most people think hats are for style but they are used for many more
Hey those people are wearing hats
A thing people wear to cover their bald head
“Oh you have a hat on your head
a unit of measure - superior to " INCHES " or " CENTIMETERS "
pete's dick is 7 hats long - wish mine was as big as that