Experiencing one or numerous penis for hours on end.
Aimee hadn’t had sex for along time so lastnight she went on a real Dick Rager with the neighbor.
A Snapchat streak of only dick pics between two or more male friends. Also known as the closest, most realest bond between homies.
John: Yo Toni we 'bout to lose our dick streak. Whip it out and pic it!
Toni: You know it homie, 276 days and going strong.
when three guys perferably male endorse in overly sexual threesome with each other over a long period of time, while on some A-class drugs like ecstasy/molly.
"oh look, john and his two friends couldn't get pussy, so their build up frustration got them to dicky dicked down"
The hard-on you wake up to, aka morning wood.
Today i woke up for my job interview... but I couldn’t leave the house until I got rid of my breakfast dick.
A person who is thirsty, that always needs attention. Someone that is always trying to hang out with others for “clout” or fame
Damn she stay on everybody dick
Damn bro get off my dick
When you put a tic tac in your dick hole before a blowjob for a pleasant blast of flavor!
Brandon dick-tacced me, it was a amazing surprise of orange flavor!
He was pissed after I gave him a blowjob because I kissed him before eating a Dick-Tac.