who is right? ainsley is always right because her name is ainsley
Men who play flutes are ghey. Most of them like humongous dicks up their ass
See that LG over there. I bet he’s a part of Men Who Play Flutes
Some person: Hey! Who left thi—
Me: Your mom
You are not nor will you ever be better than me Chris. Nor COULD you ever be.
Hym "Who I really am is being laundered off by YOUTUBE FUCKING PARASITES who want to be both famous and important and I am better than all of you worthless fucks. Tell the fucking parents you were a better alternative Chris. Tell them that and see if they care. They won't. And you won't care what happens to their kids. You'll pretend it wasn't you while pretending to be me."
Asking who is out and about with plans to sesh.
Oi Who Out