Good at basketball, really tall and sometimes funny. Has shit tonnes of money and steals your girlfriend
When your friends betray you like Josh betrayed drake. (Reference to Drake in Josh the nickelodeon TV show) aka Joshed, Joshes, Joshing
Examples:1.You're being Josh right now" when a friend did you wrong.2.(plural) "Ya'll are being a bunch of joshes"
"Quite joshin' me" -when your friend won't invite you to their wedding. (Even though your Bros. Basically being betrayed by someone who was thought as a very close friend.
One of the most amazing people you'll ever meet. A josh is an amazing thing and if you're ever lucky enough to have one as your own cherish it, enjoy every single moment like it your last. Josh(s) are good listeners calm and cool people they have very cool and interesting hobbies and are the best to have around when something goes wrong they also have massive d!cks.
Person 1 : who is that amazing guy?
Person 2: oh him, that's josh
Person 1: man he's perfect
A disgusting fat teen who all the girls cant stand
Here comes josh
a bitch who breaks everyone’s heart and they can go fuck themselves all the people who start with j’s!
josh broke my heart
when your mother is hot and everyone at school wants to be with her
"your such a josh"
"sorry for having sex with your mom your just a josh its what i have to do"