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Cha Bang Ang

A brand founded by the prettiest mixed Thai-malay young lady, the mastermind of the best SUSU CINCAU in the world. Est 2006-till jannah

Have you tried Cha Bang Ang, the viral Thai dessert in town?

by Gagababe September 20, 2022

best bang for the buck

Refers to either:
(1) The choicest doe in the herd for the antlered stud to have a good ol' bouncy-bouncy session with, or
(2) The ratio of cost vs. overall sexual pleasure/enjoyment offered by each of the "available" or "willing" ladies in a dude's general locale, i.e., which gal offers the greatest overall "satisfaction package" (beauty, brains, boobs, etc.) for the least amount of monetary investment.

Generally speaking, the more gorgeous or "hot" a lady is, the more expensive she will be to date intimately. However, if you don't mind a gal with relatively minor aesthetic/personality drawbacks such as lots of freckles, some extra padding, slight overbite, or loud/airheaded/childish behavior, or if you're tolerant of mild-to-moderate physical/mental/emotional issues like thick glasses, a cane, an awkward stride, confusion/distress over simple matters, oddball interests, irrational phobias, etc., there may likely be one or more quite-attractive gals in your area who are currently "unattached" because most guys tend to pass them over for someone more outwardly desirable, but who would actually provide the best bang for the buck because they are both delightful to be around and don't expect to be financially pampered all that much.

by QuacksO February 21, 2018

bang ya thang

to masturbate in a complete ghetto way. angry faced, wit your fists tight as hell, and loving it all, yet hating your life.

Guy 1: Yo, You wasn't at the party last night. Where you was at?

Guy 2: I was..... you know jackin off because she left me. Nigga, I needed to nutt.

Guy 1: psssh IIght I get ya nigga, Need to Nutt? bang ya thang.

Girl: smh.......

by swaggedup1595 June 15, 2010

gay bang swoop

When you see a gay gang bang in progress and proceed to swoop in to clap some ass cheeks.

Gay guy 1: I saw Ronaldo, Dom, Kyle, Chad, and Gary in the middle of a gay gang bang.

Gay guy 2: omg. Did you gay bang swoop?

Gay guy 1: What?

Gay guy 1: did you gay bang swoop in there an spread some cheeks?

Gay guy 2: Omg of course I did you silly goose. Tons of slippery man play was had.

by Ovata_xo December 17, 2021

City Gang Bang

When you’re a foreigner in a very small city and the girls from tinder you’re sleeping with were also railed by all the other foreigners. To think about it, y’all just a big family in a big ass gang bang. ❤️

Josh: Hey bro, how’d you know Kiki?
James: Oh, we had a thing or two, wait you know her too?
Josh: Yeah, a hook up from tinder, apparently she also slept with Ted and his colleagues.
James: Man, we do be in a long term city gang bang. Let’s see if Kiki’s down for a real gang bang next time…

by whatiswhitetrash? July 29, 2021

Huschanero Finger Bang!

A form of finger blasting a braud when your your last name is Huscher and you have failed to get eliminate what remains from handling habaneros earlier that day from your fingers(could be either intentional or an honest mistake).

“I made Cortney scream harder than usual last night…at first I thought it was the way I had my tongue that far up her ass but it turns out it was the Huschanero Finger Bang!”

by Aaron Huscher August 3, 2023

wu-tang and bang

swallowing the roach of a joint instead of clipping it or putting it in a bowl then preceding to hit the blunt again after you shit it out

Jimmy wu-tang and banged a blunt a few days ago, that shit was nasty.

by jar-jar-binks December 14, 2018