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When fuckboisin evac camp like a bitch in the back of the spawn ALL game (lolcats07)

Lolcats07 is such a twat and I just dangled dangled my ballsack in his nostrils last game

by Skies_US August 2, 2018


A complete idiot who doesn’t know how to do anything

Maggie called me a twat at practice today.

by finwall June 16, 2019


Used in Urban or Street, meaning vagina, or pussy. It is often used as a dis, to call someone an idiot, or talking about a good looking female.

You mucked my trainers you twat

Yo that girl has a meaty booty, what a pretty twat

by Anny Lowe December 3, 2015


Slang word of pussy

Gib beat the shit out of that twat called Jake paul

by Mr Hazard January 31, 2020


Your mum

Percy:hey Jim what’s a twat

Jim: Your mum

by MoistyBoi69 September 30, 2020


Sitting leader of the 2016-2022 Liberals of Canada a "Twat" (pronounced T-wa-t), ruining a country while stuttering through a sentence whether in French or english. A Twat has many ways to be identified, such as - slow wit, bright socks, ignorance, oblivious to one's actions, self absorbed and self centered also conducts racketeering at the highest levels of government.

The Twat is about to speak on TV, I wonder what stupid shut he'll say next.

Oh no the Twat is ruining Canada, how can we get rid of the Twat

by Twattey January 28, 2022


A British term for someone who is just a silly little stinker

"Oi mate, you little twat, get o'er 'here, or I'll send you to the colonies. I love queen lizzy, tea, biscuits, crumpets, scones, yorkshire, and the town of sussex.

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen!

O Lord our God arise,
Scatter our enemies,
And make them fall!
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
God save us all!

Not in this land alone,
But be God’s mercies known,
From shore to shore!
Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family,
The wide world o’er.

From every latent foe,
From the assassin's blow,
God save the Queen!
O’er his thine arm extend,
For Britain’s sake defend,
Our father, prince, and friend,
God save the Queen!

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign!
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!"

by laddie616 November 7, 2022