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george w. bush

43rd President of the United states, whose controversial policies have drawn much criticism. Hated by some, and in general a lightning rod for bashing for anything and everything. If your significant other left you, if your car broke down, or if you're having a bad hair day, it's socially acceptable to blame George Bush for it.

"Bush sucks because I can't do lesbian porn." -Sharon Stone

"Don't blame me for my bad grades, it's Bush's fault!"

by Bogus December 16, 2004

180๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

Bush has so many bad qualities. Hmmm...where should I start? Well, he's a retard. He's a crazy Uber Nazi Hick Christian Dumbass. He responded to 9/11 by blowing up Iraq. For those of you who don't know..Iraq did not attack the U.S. It was Al-Queda. Osama and Saddam had nothing to do with each other, in fact they hated each other. Bush is a hipocritical bastard who started a war because someone tried to kill his poor daddy. Anyone who likes Bush is a fucker who needs to have their balls/clitoris cut off. Bush wants to ban gay marriage because it's against the Bible. Bush wants to ban abortion because he says it's murder. Bush turned the trillion dollar surplus Clinton left us with into a trillion dollar deficit; the Iraq War has cost us over 2.7 trillion dollars. Bush has destoyed the seperation of church and state. He also established the Patriot Act which has violated the rights of thousands of people because their skin is darker. Bush did manage to create the No Child Left Behind Act, but he managed to fuck that up too. The No Child Left Behing Act is grossly underfunded. In short, Bush is the reason why everybody hates us and he will end world peace as we know it. Bush will be the death of us all.

George W. Bush's evil is rivaled only by Hitler and Satan, if you believe in him.

by Philip Smith June 12, 2005

581๐Ÿ‘ 327๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

He's a fucking war-hungry, money-hungry, power-hungry, election rigging, retarded stupid president that can't even eat a PRETZEL properly, I swear to god he's the fucking reincarnation of Hitler and his fucking dumbass vice named Dick Cheney is the Reincarnation of Benito Mussolini, I am Canadian, my prime minister (Paul Martin) is honest and doesn't rig elections and doesn't fucking choke on pretzels. 98 percent of our country wants to kill Bush, while the other 1.9 percent want him to be captured by Bin Laden and killed in a mustard gas chamber and the 0.1 percent is me, who wants to shoot him in the ass with my rifle. Burn in hell U fucking asshole!

Bush: Iraq has nuclear missiles
Crowd: Bullshit, you are just trying to start another war.
Canadian dude: hey Bush I'm tired of you treating my country like a bunch of chimps, I'm one canuck U don't want to fuck with!
POW! Shot in the ass

by moufassa March 14, 2005

628๐Ÿ‘ 355๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

1. Proof that anyone can be president.

2. evidence in favor of nature in the nature vs. nurture question. clearly raised with every advantage, however still incapable of rational thoughts and normal articulation.

3. son of a dumb, racist bitch.

4. name for someone when it is unclear if a person is evil or just plain stupid.

"I'd sure like to have a beer with George W. Bush"

by Patrick Adams February 3, 2008

311๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž

Curious George Bagel

The delicate art of The Curious George Bagel can be mastered by inserting a banana, Musa acuminata, into the anal cavity of ones counterpart, then pulverizing said banana through either consensual or non consensual, yet highly illegal, sodomy. The Curious George Bagel may be served with or without nutty byproduct of said sodomy. The custom blend of banana-nut-defication is forced out from the sphincter and onto a bagel; serve warm.

"Carol wanted a curious george bagel, so I happily obliged."

by The Man with the Yellow Hizzat February 18, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

Alcoholic, cokehead, "born-again Christian" warmonger who manages to seem like a regular guy even though he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was "educated" at both Harvard and Yale; is not, in fact, from Texas, but is from Connecticut, thank you very much; "president" of United States of America

"Hey y'all, look at ol' George W. Bush! He's just a reg'lar guy like me, what cain't pronounce things rightly! Let's go join the army so's we can git 'er done!"

by "Hot" Karl Rove November 7, 2004

441๐Ÿ‘ 251๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

1)An error of Mother Nature
2)Combination of Idiot, Fool and Imbecile
3)Miserable Failure
4)A man who feels tough by attacking random nations, but still fails in it

-You're even dumber than Bush!
-You're a Bush! Everyone knows 1+1 equals 2!
-I am George W. Bush, and I have the intelligence of a soapbar

by Europe April 14, 2005

555๐Ÿ‘ 320๐Ÿ‘Ž