A kid that can’t decide what to order At McDonald’s to convince it to his mother.
“Hey look, that nerd has a stupid burger”.
“I get a stupid burger a lot at McDonald’s”.
when someone shoves a Burger King burger up your asshole and fucks you.
If he agrees to Burger King smash you then he’s a real one.
When you get a burger that is so fucking greasy that the only way you can describe it is sopping wet.
Mother fucker, this burger is so mother fucking greasy, they fucking gave me the sopping wet burger.
When one person puts credit card swipes another person with their calf, essentially putting a baby cow between two buns.
“Hey man, last night was CRAZY with my wife, she totally gave me the old veal burger.”
The definition of shoving multiple MrBeast burgers up your rectal cavity for pleasure.
James: Yo how was it with Martha last night?
Marcus: We were totally Beasting The Burger!