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Shit Onion

A shit onion is a situation that the more you learn about it, the more shitty it gets.

When someone tries to explain a bad situation, and eases you into it to make it easier to swallow..its a shit onion. Layers and layers of shit, the more you hear, the worse it gets.

by MarleyDog December 22, 2015


Anybody who is kind of an asshole. You want to burn them and acknowledge that they are nothing more than fecal matter to you simultaneously.

Use your turning signal you fucking shit-chimney!!!

Dylan's obvious tolerance of the Star Wars prequels makes him a definite shit-chimney.

by DinnerRabbits October 8, 2017

Shit Scud

Dog poop picked up in a plastic shopping bag. End of bag will be tied up then swung like a catapult and released, causing said shit scud to fly through the air.

Took the dog for a walk this morning, thing dropped the biggest poop in the park so i sent the shit scud into Mr Smith's yard! Never liked him anyway.

by cynz August 23, 2008

Large shit

Large shit

I did a large shit

by Cowboi John December 10, 2020

Pissing the shit

To literally piss shit because someone has made you angry.

Quentin is pissing the shit out of Sarah.

by A real deal May 19, 2012

Shit Tag

A fun game, where if you know you are about to have an especially revolting shit, you enclose your phone in a zip-lock bag and leave it in the bathroom you just destroyed. Close the door behind you and begin complaining that you can't find your phone. A friend or family member will eventually dial it, hear it in the bathroom and will be so smug to discover it's location that they'll just barge in to grab it, violating their nostrils when they enter.

Daughter: (gagging) "I found your phone! Why is it in a plastic bag?"
You: Shit Tag! You're it!

by Professor Simon J. Futtbucker September 19, 2020

Shit in the mud

A boring person who tends to not want to do anything

Edison is such a shit in the mud

by K.L.A October 30, 2020