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Saint Ignatius' College Riverview

Saint Ignatius' College Riverview, AKA Riverview, is Sydney's best private school

Person 1: So what school do you go to?
Person 2: I go to Saint Ignatius' College Riverview
Person 1: Lucky I wish i went to Sydney's best private school

by SlimeyFish April 14, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Isaac Bear early college

Its a high school where you take all of your high school classes in 2 years and spend the last 2 years taking classes at uncw.
In the first 2 years you spend over 6 hours a day doing homework honestly.
In the first 2 years you endure literal hell with teachers who make you do stupid non related projects like running around in the forrest. Out of the 4 teachers that teach the 2010-2011 sophomore class the Bio teacher is retarded and assigns the stupidest busywork, the latin teacher is extremely cool and fun, the english is a bitch in class but is really cool if you get to know her, the math teacher is ok, and the history teacher is the best teacher there he makes sure you are well prepared unlike the Bio teacher who doesn't prepare you and for anything then expects you to do masters level work.

The people who go there are either social outcast who cant even count or over achievers.
The girls are lacking in looks there are maybe 5 hot girls who go there but they are overachievers and the rest are fugly.

Me:Hey what are we doing in bio today?
Friend: Mr. bishop gives us another stupid project that will take 10 hours to do.
Me: whats it on?
Friend: Nothing to do with his class
Even: Hey hes not that bad and its a good project
Me and friend: Shut up u fagget
Even: Dont talk to me like that (Sassy voice)
Me: you need to grow a pair fag

Me: i cant wait for summer
64 other students in my class: me to

I go to Isaac Bear early college their are no hot girls, the Bio teacher sucks, and its stupid

by Fight thepower March 24, 2011

114๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

College of Notre Dame of Maryland

a women's college where the people there have more fun being single or female than anywhere else in the freakin' state of Maryland. CONDOM for short

"I go to CND," the poli sci major said. "I have more fun being there than I do with my boyfriend."

by RAD04gal March 19, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baton Rouge Community College

A community College on Florida Blvd in Baton Rouge. Also known as Baton Rouge College of Champions! Mascot is the Bears. Great school with gangsta people.

"Where you go to school at?"
"Oh I go to BRCC, you know Baton Rouge Community College?."
"Ya I hear ya'll have a good baseball team there?"

by br23 August 16, 2009

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Jackson State Community College

Worst community college in TN. Really, what a shithole.

Jackson State Community College is such a shithole. Did you know that they hire kids from Easter Seals to work in admin?

by xjsccouttheysuck September 3, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

St. Michaels College School

The act of being the greatest high school in the Greater Toronto Area.
Being known to destroy the competition such as Upper Canada College and Del La Salle.

St. Michaels College School Student: Hey were gonna bring down the St. mikes hammer on your ass.

UCC Student: I know... I wish I wasn't such a preppy bastard

by Mikeemon January 10, 2009

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Dates like a Mormon college

To only date young people. "Bring 'em young" Drawn from the actual Mormon college BYU (Brigham Young University).

Mike: What's that MILF doing at Joey's party? Do you think he banged her?

Stan: No dude, he dates like a Mormon college.

by lormaak April 4, 2009

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